This toolkit will provide training and information
on how to support
co-workers, clients and customers with epilepsy in the workplace.

"What would you do if you found out a co-worker had epilepsy?"
A fully interactive story format with liberal usage
of audio, video and knowledge checks.
of audio, video and knowledge checks.
A course for employees and co-workers
Users will be able to gain the knowledge they need to act positively and appropriately towards people with epilepsy whether they are co-workers or customers.
- Epilepsy basics
- Myths and facts
- How to discuss epilepsy
- How to accommodate an employee with epilepsy
- Creating an inclusive workplace

Formerly known as a Grand Mal seizure, this unique video-based seizure simulator gives the user the opportunity to make decisions on how to help a restaurant patron during her convulsive seizure.
Need a quick answer to your question or concern?
Dozens of documents, fact sheets, accommodation checklists, videos and links can be downloaded or viewed from here.
Basic Epilepsy Information
First Aid
For the Job Seeker
Hiring and Assisting Employees with Epilepsy
Return to Work
Workplace Documents
A Field Guide for Law EnforcementVIDEO | Basic Epilepsy InformationA Field Guide for Law EnforcementvideoBasic Epilepsy Information
A Guide to Seizure Management for Emergency Medical RespondersVIDEO | First AidA Guide to Seizure Management for Emergency Medical RespondersvideoFirst Aid
Alternative TherapiesFact sheet outlining epilepsy and the usefulness of alternative therapies such as acupuncture, ch...DOCUMENT | AccomodationAlternative TherapiesdocAccomodation25646_410467815271_491494_n.jpgFact sheet outlining epilepsy and the usefulness of alternative therapies such as acupuncture, chiropractic, massage therapy, relaxation, guided imagery, biofeedback, aromatherapy, yoga, therapeutic touch, homeopathy, diet, etc.Alternative Therapies.pdf
Approach to Epilepsy MedicationVIDEO | Basic Epilepsy InformationApproach to Epilepsy MedicationvideoBasic Epilepsy Information
Avoiding a Medical EmergencyBrochure describes First Aid response for convulsive and non-convulsive seizures. Good note...DOCUMENT | First AidAvoiding a Medical EmergencydocFirst AidScreen Shot 2014-07-09 at 2.26.23 PM.pngBrochure describes First Aid response for convulsive and non-convulsive seizures. Good notes on what constitutes a medical emergency and what does not.Medical Emergency.pdf
Avoiding a Medical Emergency-FrenchFrench language brochure describes First Aid response for convulsive and non-convulsive seizures...DOCUMENT | First AidAvoiding a Medical Emergency-FrenchdocFirst AidFrench language brochure describes First Aid response for convulsive and non-convulsive seizures. Good notes on what constitutes a medical emergency and what does not.CEA Medical Emergency_French rev july 09(2).pdf
Can Someone Die from a Seizure?Fact sheet outlining when someone with epilepsy is at risk of deathDOCUMENT | Basic Epilepsy Information | First AidCan Someone Die from a Seizure?docBasic Epilepsy Information | First AidFact sheet outlining when someone with epilepsy is at risk of deathcan someone die.pdf
Considering Your Thoughts - Co-Worker Reflection QuestionnaireThis questionnaire will give coworkers a chance to document and evaluate their thinking and behav...DOCUMENT | Workplace DocumentsConsidering Your Thoughts - Co-Worker Reflection QuestionnairedocWorkplace DocumentsThis questionnaire will give coworkers a chance to document and evaluate their thinking and behaviors around epilepsy and where necessary, challenge those that may be causing stress or reducing productivity.considering your thoughts about epilepsy.pdf
Customer Accommodation ListThis document can be used in a place of business to ensure that a customer/client/visitor is trea...DOCUMENT | Accomodation | Workplace DocumentsCustomer Accommodation ListdocAccomodation | Workplace DocumentsThis document can be used in a place of business to ensure that a customer/client/visitor is treated with dignity and respect.customer accommodation list.pdf
Disclosure ChartA handy disclosure reference chart, suitable for any disability type. When to disclose, alo...DOCUMENT | Accomodation | For the Job Seeker | Return to Work | Workplace DocumentsDisclosure ChartdocAccomodation | For the Job Seeker | Return to Work | Workplace DocumentsA handy disclosure reference chart, suitable for any disability type. When to disclose, along with benefits and risks.disclosure chart.pdf
E-Action Info (an app for iPad iPhone iPod)LINK | Basic Epilepsy InformationE-Action Info (an app for iPad iPhone iPod)linkBasic Epilepsy
Emotional First AidLike anything in life, some people cope well with adversity and some do not. Some people co...DOCUMENT | Basic Epilepsy InformationEmotional First AiddocBasic Epilepsy InformationLike anything in life, some people cope well with adversity and some do not. Some people cope well with epilepsy and some...not so well. Your understanding and support can make a world of difference.emotional first aid.pdf
Epilepsy and DrivingVIDEO | Basic Epilepsy InformationEpilepsy and DrivingvideoBasic Epilepsy Information
Epilepsy and Driving - British ColumbiaGuidelines and legislation for drivers with epilepsy vary a bit from province to province. ...DOCUMENT | Basic Epilepsy InformationEpilepsy and Driving - British ColumbiadocBasic Epilepsy InformationGuidelines and legislation for drivers with epilepsy vary a bit from province to province. This is a fact sheet issued by the province of British Columbia.driver factsheet-epilepsy-BC.pdf
Epilepsy and Driving - OntarioThe rules governing epilepsy and driving vary somewhat from province to province; this document i...DOCUMENT | Basic Epilepsy InformationEpilepsy and Driving - OntariodocBasic Epilepsy InformationThe rules governing epilepsy and driving vary somewhat from province to province; this document is specific to Ontario. As this document shows, having epilepsy does not mean a person cannot drive. Most provinces now follow these CCMTA guidelines.epilepsy and driving.pdf
Epilepsy and Employment - Canadian Epilepsy Alliance FAQsLINK | For the Job Seeker | Hiring and Assisting Employees with Epilepsy | Return to WorkEpilepsy and Employment - Canadian Epilepsy Alliance FAQslinkFor the Job Seeker | Hiring and Assisting Employees with Epilepsy | Return to Work
Epilepsy Through the AgesVIDEO | Basic Epilepsy InformationEpilepsy Through the AgesvideoBasic Epilepsy Information
Field Accommodation ChecklistSelf-assessment. Accommodations for outside of the office/plant/store.DOCUMENT | AccomodationField Accommodation ChecklistdocAccomodationSelf-assessment. Accommodations for outside of the office/plant/store.Field Accommodation Checklist.pdf
Five Reasons Why Managers Should Use the epilepsy@work WebsiteDOCUMENT | Hiring and Assisting Employees with Epilepsy | Workplace DocumentsFive Reasons Why Managers Should Use the epilepsy@work WebsitedocHiring and Assisting Employees with Epilepsy | Workplace Documentsfive reasons why.pdf
Guide to Creating a seizure First Aid PlanSome tips on how to create a First Aid Plan for an employee.DOCUMENT | First Aid | Return to Work | Workplace DocumentsGuide to Creating a seizure First Aid PlandocFirst Aid | Return to Work | Workplace DocumentsSome tips on how to create a First Aid Plan for an to creating a first aid plan.pdf
Guidelines for Speaking About EpilepsyA basic lexicon.DOCUMENT | Basic Epilepsy InformationGuidelines for Speaking About EpilepsydocBasic Epilepsy InformationA basic lexicon.speaking about epilepsy.pdf
Helping You Meet the Requirements of Government Equity ProgramsThere are many good reasons for hiring persons with epilepsy including meeting diversity objectiv...DOCUMENT | Hiring and Assisting Employees with Epilepsy | LegislationHelping You Meet the Requirements of Government Equity ProgramsdocHiring and Assisting Employees with Epilepsy | LegislationThere are many good reasons for hiring persons with epilepsy including meeting diversity objectives and legislated requirements.Helping You Meet the Requirements of Government Equity Programs 2015 rev.pdf
How Prevalent is Epilepsy?Some very basic Canadian statistical information.DOCUMENT | Basic Epilepsy InformationHow Prevalent is Epilepsy?docBasic Epilepsy InformationSome very basic Canadian statistical information.prevalence.pdf
Interactive Map of Brain and its FunctionsLINK | Basic Epilepsy InformationInteractive Map of Brain and its FunctionslinkBasic Epilepsy Information/
Interview AccommodationA job interview can be challenging and stressful for the interviewer and the candidate with ...DOCUMENT | Accomodation | For the Job Seeker | Hiring and Assisting Employees with EpilepsyInterview AccommodationdocAccomodation | For the Job Seeker | Hiring and Assisting Employees with EpilepsyA job interview can be challenging and stressful for the interviewer and the candidate with epilepsy. Here are some pointers on how to make the interview process go better, ultimately leading to the selection of the best candidate.Interview Accommodation 2015 rev.pdf
Learning StrategiesFor those that do have issues with learning new material, strategies that assist with memory, att...DOCUMENT | Accomodation | Basic Epilepsy Information | Hiring and Assisting Employees with EpilepsyLearning StrategiesdocAccomodation | Basic Epilepsy Information | Hiring and Assisting Employees with EpilepsyFor those that do have issues with learning new material, strategies that assist with memory, attention, organization and stress management can be used to improve workplace accuracy and productivity.Learning Strategies 2015 rev.pdf
Legal FAQ - Medical Information/Accommodation/SafetyThis U.S. sourced document is largely applicable in Canada where similar legislation exists. &nbs...DOCUMENT | Hiring and Assisting Employees with Epilepsy | LegislationLegal FAQ - Medical Information/Accommodation/SafetydocHiring and Assisting Employees with Epilepsy | LegislationThis U.S. sourced document is largely applicable in Canada where similar legislation exists. For specific legal advice, connection with a lawyer specializing in provincial disability/employment law, is recommended.Legal FAQ 2015 rev.pdf
Legal Issues at Work - Epilepsy Conference 2013A PowerPoint presentation by Andrea Wobick, lawyer, that addresses from both the employer an...DOCUMENT | Accomodation | For the Job Seeker | Legislation | Return to WorkLegal Issues at Work - Epilepsy Conference 2013docAccomodation | For the Job Seeker | Legislation | Return to WorkA PowerPoint presentation by Andrea Wobick, lawyer, that addresses from both the employer and employee perspectives in Canada, workplace rights, obligations, legislation and duty to accommodate. Very clear and precise.Wobick Epilepsy PowerPoint - May 2013.pptx
Managing EpilepsyCommon therapies used to reduce or eliminate seizures.DOCUMENT | Basic Epilepsy InformationManaging EpilepsydocBasic Epilepsy InformationCommon therapies used to reduce or eliminate seizures.Managing Epilepsy2015 rev.pdf
Medic Alert Jewelry and Emergency IdentificationJewelry and Emergency Identification can speak for a person when they are unable to.DOCUMENT | Basic Epilepsy Information | First AidMedic Alert Jewelry and Emergency IdentificationdocBasic Epilepsy Information | First AidJewelry and Emergency Identification can speak for a person when they are unable to.Medic Alert Jewelry and Emergency Identification 2015 rev.pdf
Moods and BehaviourVIDEO | Basic Epilepsy InformationMoods and BehaviourvideoBasic Epilepsy Information
Office Accommodation ChecklistAn extensive list that can serve as a good basis for discussion and the creation of a Workplace A...DOCUMENT | Accomodation | Workplace DocumentsOffice Accommodation ChecklistdocAccomodation | Workplace DocumentsAn extensive list that can serve as a good basis for discussion and the creation of a Workplace Accommodation Plan.Office Accommodation Checklist 2015 rev.pdf
Ontario Human RightsLINK | LegislationOntario Human RightslinkLegislation
Pre & Post-ictal BehaviourBehaviours and sensations that may be experienced before and after a seizure.DOCUMENT | Basic Epilepsy InformationPre & Post-ictal BehaviourdocBasic Epilepsy InformationBehaviours and sensations that may be experienced before and after a seizure.pre and post ictal behaviour.pdf
Questions to Ask Your Employee with EpilepsyWell thought out questions related to disability can lead to a more inclusive, productive and saf...DOCUMENT | Accomodation | For the Job Seeker | Hiring and Assisting Employees with Epilepsy | LegislationQuestions to Ask Your Employee with EpilepsydocAccomodation | For the Job Seeker | Hiring and Assisting Employees with Epilepsy | LegislationWell thought out questions related to disability can lead to a more inclusive, productive and safer work environment. This document suggests which questions can be asked and when.questions to ask your employee with epilepsy.pdf
Report of Workplace Seizure IncidentThis document can be used to document facts relevant to a workplace seizure before, during and af...DOCUMENT | Workplace DocumentsReport of Workplace Seizure IncidentdocWorkplace DocumentsThis document can be used to document facts relevant to a workplace seizure before, during and after the fact. This reference information could be useful to the employer and the person who had the seizure, at some point in the future.Report of Workplace Seizure Incident.pdf
Rethinking Disability in the Private SectorReport highlights from the Government of Canada funded panel, assigned the task of determining be...DOCUMENT | AccomodationRethinking Disability in the Private SectordocAccomodationReport highlights from the Government of Canada funded panel, assigned the task of determining best practices for hiring people with disabilities, the barriers and how to overcome them.rethinking disability in the private sector.pdf
Returning to Work: What to Say to Your CoworkersWhether recently diagnosed or your seizures have changed, returning to work after an absence can ...DOCUMENT | Return to WorkReturning to Work: What to Say to Your CoworkersdocReturn to WorkWhether recently diagnosed or your seizures have changed, returning to work after an absence can be difficult. This document will offer some pointers on how to make the transition easier.Returning to Work What to Say to Your Coworkers 2015 rev.docx
Seizure Stages - Pre and Post-ictal BehavioursMany seizure types have a pre, mid and post (ictal) stage. This document describes the symp...DOCUMENT | Basic Epilepsy InformationSeizure Stages - Pre and Post-ictal BehavioursdocBasic Epilepsy InformationMany seizure types have a pre, mid and post (ictal) stage. This document describes the symptoms for each including an aura or warning that a seizure is about to occur.Seizure Stages 2015 rev.pdf
Seizure, Mental Illness or Intoxication?Can you tell the difference between someone having a seizure and someone who is intoxicated or wi...DOCUMENT | Basic Epilepsy InformationSeizure, Mental Illness or Intoxication?docBasic Epilepsy InformationCan you tell the difference between someone having a seizure and someone who is intoxicated or with a mental illness? This document will help.seizure mental illness or intoxication.pdf
Sleep Problems and Epilepsy - The Vicious CycleLINK | Basic Epilepsy InformationSleep Problems and Epilepsy - The Vicious CyclelinkBasic Epilepsy Information
Talk About It!LINK | Basic Epilepsy InformationTalk About It!linkBasic Epilepsy
Ten Truths about EpilepsyVIDEO | Basic Epilepsy InformationTen Truths about EpilepsyvideoBasic Epilepsy Information
The Business Case for Actively Recruiting and Retaining People with Episodic DisabilitiesDirect and indirect benefits of including persons with episodic disabilities in your workplace. &...DOCUMENT | For the Job Seeker | Hiring and Assisting Employees with EpilepsyThe Business Case for Actively Recruiting and Retaining People with Episodic DisabilitiesdocFor the Job Seeker | Hiring and Assisting Employees with EpilepsyDirect and indirect benefits of including persons with episodic disabilities in your workplace. A report from the Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation.The-Business-Case-for-Actively-Recruiting-and-Retaining-People_with_Episodic_Disabiliti.pdf
Understanding EpilepsyVIDEO | Basic Epilepsy InformationUnderstanding EpilepsyvideoBasic Epilepsy Information
Understanding Partial SeizuresVIDEO | Basic Epilepsy InformationUnderstanding Partial SeizuresvideoBasic Epilepsy Information
What Causes Epilepsy?VIDEO | Basic Epilepsy InformationWhat Causes Epilepsy?videoBasic Epilepsy Information
What to Do if Helen has a Seizure at WorkAs part of a First Aid Plan, this document lays out the procedure for coworkers to follow, should...DOCUMENT | Accomodation | First Aid | Return to Work | Workplace DocumentsWhat to Do if Helen has a Seizure at WorkdocAccomodation | First Aid | Return to Work | Workplace DocumentsAs part of a First Aid Plan, this document lays out the procedure for coworkers to follow, should Helen have a seizure in their workplace.if helen has a seizure.pdf
What to Say to Your CoworkersReturning to work after a new diagnosis? An exacerbation of your existing seizures? An exte...DOCUMENT | Return to WorkWhat to Say to Your CoworkersdocReturn to WorkReturning to work after a new diagnosis? An exacerbation of your existing seizures? An extended leave for surgery? There are pointers here that will help you decide what to say to whom and when.what to say to your coworkers.pdf
When to Call an AmbulanceGenerally a seizure does not constitute a medical emergency. However, there are some circum...DOCUMENT | Basic Epilepsy Information | First AidWhen to Call an AmbulancedocBasic Epilepsy Information | First AidGenerally a seizure does not constitute a medical emergency. However, there are some circumstances where a 911 call is indicated.When to Call an Ambulance 2015 rev.pdf
Why Hire a Person with Epilepsy?Hire a person with epilepsy because they are a good fit for the job. This document list oth...DOCUMENT | Workplace DocumentsWhy Hire a Person with Epilepsy?docWorkplace DocumentsHire a person with epilepsy because they are a good fit for the job. This document list other reasons as well.Why Hire a Person with Epilepsy 2015 rev.pdf
You Can Do ThisVIDEO | First AidYou Can Do ThisvideoFirst Aid